Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Shark + Anchor

Today at uni we received a brief which meant we would be working as a team with students from other pathways, naturally and automatically, me and Natalie decided to work together. Natalie is doing a surface design degree, and I'm doing an illustration degree. You would think it might've been hard for us to work together, as although our pathways aren't all that different, our work is completely different, but we both had faith this team would work, our brains are the same.

Within 5 minutes of being given the brief we had both decided on exactly the same idea, with no arguments or disagreements. There was a choice of 3 briefs, to which we chose the one in which we were asked to design toy shop windows for a shop in Bramhall name "toys and tales". The brief specified they wanted the theme of the window displays to be "enchanted" and that they specifically liked the 1950's advertisements, perfect.

Our initial ideas were that we would not go with the obvious choices of fairytales or monsters, so we decided to go with something we love and would get passionate about.. sharks and anchors! We decided on a sea theme, this would include, whales, waves, boats, anchors, treasure chests and all that kind of stuff, we started to sketch out our first ideas which luckily were exactly the same..
Once everyone had who would be in their groups sorted, we all had to make a disguise for ourselves, unsuprisingly, the images below our me and Natalie wearing our disguises, amazing.

Living the dream.

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