Wednesday 28 December 2011


We needed a logo.
We didn't want an obvious logo featuring a shark and an anchor..
so here it is!

Screen printed patterns

Heres some photos of our screen printed patterns, some of the areas were not printed perfectly due to the way the screen was set up but we think the texture makes its look so much more like the look we wanted to acheive! Now we need to make real life size objects which would go in the real life windows, for example anchor, whale, boat, clouds, rain drops, treasure chest using the screen printed patterns!

Small 3d windows

We printed out our patterns in colour that we had created on illustrator and then we create these dioramas to show how our windows would look:

So cute!

We really like these, but we know that the textured screen printed patterns would look even better! Whilst I was photographing these, Nat was screen printing the patterns. Exciting!

First mini set design

This was our first set design that we made. This was made from printed textures and shows the 3 windows as one scene, this shown how our windows would work togther as a continuous theme and scene, and the kind of simple shapes we would used. It also shown how the white outlines would make our images look within the window display.

Objects + Patterns

After we had decided on our layout, we then listed objects would needed to be created:

-Treasure Chest

We decided we needed a light, medium and a dark coloured pattern, to vary between the different objects. Here is our patterns:

We now need to create mini dioramas of our window ideas to present, so here is our plan of action:
-Print out patterns.
-Plan layout, draw final ideas.
-Make collages + 3d ideas using printed out patterns.

First we printed out our patterns black and white and started to see what our objects might look like:


Tuesday 27 December 2011

Deciding on style

Today we had a proper look at our research and discussed ideas of style of illustration based on our research ideas. We decided that patterns would be used within most objects in our window displays, but all objects would have white outlines, the white outlines would give it that retro feel, we also decided the patterns would be screen printed as we really wanted to add that textured look to our patterns, as we would firstly be creating them on illustrator which we both felt was a little too clinical. Heres the kind of textured look we wanted to achieve:

We discussed the idea that we would maybe use a border, although we realise we may not be able to create our border in time for the deadline, but the idea works without it, so we will try our best to get as must done as possible, we started looking at borders and decided if we were to create this in time, it would be of shapes relating to our theme.


On friday we started to gather our inspirations from things we already had that would be useful, and decided over the weekend we would each gather more. Heres some of the thing we collected:

[more to come]

Over the weekend we kept eachother informed by email, blackberry messenger and skype, we shared images and inspirations we found, heres some more:

[more to come]

We also decided we needed to look at what the shop sold and if the kind of toys they well were suitable for the theme we were going to create within their windows. We learnt of the shops layout and worked out that our scene we were planning on creating would spread across the 3 windows. We started to sketch some more ideas, which again, we agreed on straight away. 
Aswell as seeing the shop, we had a look at the toys they sold, and agreed that although it was important there would be places for the toys to be, we didn't want to design our windows around specific toys featured in the shop as what they have their now, they may not have by the time we were going to actually create the window design (if we were to 'win').